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    As an ObesityHelp community member, you have access to exclusive pricing with PatchMD to support your bariatric surgery journey for the long-haul. We invite you to shop for vitamin patches for yourself, family, and friends. No coupon code is needed! PatchMD Topical Patches for Bariatric Patients Are you're having a hard time swallowing pills, struggling with nausea after you take your vitamins or are you dealing with pill fatigue from taking so many? PatchMD patches might be the perfect solution for you and your post-bariatric surgery needs! They are convenient to put on your skin and forget about them! From gastrointestinal problems to stomach sensitivities coupled with today's increasing lack of absorption from so many nutrients into the body. After a decade of research, PatchMD has created an entire line of vitamin patches that make your weight loss surgery lifestyle a whole lot easier. Through the technology of transdermal patches, you just peel and stick right onto your skin! Patches deliver superior levels of vitamins and nutrients by using nanotechnology for better absorption into the blood directly, bypassing the stomach and kidneys entirely.  Key Features of PatchMD Patches 30 Day Supply, Easily Stored No After-Taste, Fillers, or Calories Easy to Use with Topical Absorption Time-Released Technology Made in the USA Gluten-Free & Non-Synthetic Money-Back Guarantee Cutting Edge Technology - PatchMD Vitamin Patches PatchMD utilizes cutting edge 3-layer topical patch technology. The first layer is the contact layer, featuring an all-natural adhesive that helps the patch adhere to the skin. The second layer is the multi-nutrient layer that releases nutrients throughout the day. The third layer is a backing layer that helps protect your patch even through a highly-active day. Each pack contains a 30-day supply of patches, which can be worn while you sleep or go about your daily routine. By using supplement patches, you can nourish your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs, without having to contend with the digestive side-effects of consuming tablets. Simply apply a patch to an area of the body with minimal hair (such as the shoulder, back, or hip) and then let it get to work! Our patches are also suitable for people with many different forms of intolerances and allergies. As well as being free from gluten and wheat, they don’t contain casein, milk, egg, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish, soy, and corn. They’re also free from GMOs, MSG, fillers, artificial dyes, colors, flavorings, or preservatives. So, you can be confident that you’re only consuming the nutrients you need and nothing else. Order a PatchMD supplement pack today and try them for yourself! Trusted by hospitals and universities nationwide to deliver the nutrients that patients need to heal and repair their bodies.
  • Latest Reviews See all 27 reviews

    These patches work very well for me. Oral vitamins didn't seem to work for me but my labs got better after using Patch MD vitamins patches.

    These patches work very well for me. Oral vitamins didn't seem to work for me but my labs got better after using Patch MD vitamins patches.

    These patches work very well for me. Oral vitamins didn't seem to work for me but my labs got better after using Patch MD vitamins patches.